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print("He llo W o r ld")
Welcome to Captain_Script's Hub.
I'm a professional Roblox Developer, Unity Developer, and Inspiring Youtuber.
Made a few projects and Owner of Captain_Script's Shop Hub.
Are you interested in learning game development and want to join the Crew?
string shopName = "Captain_Script's Shop Hub";
int shopVisits = 10000;
int productSold = 1000;
int customers = 250;
Shop shopObj = new Shop(shopName, shopVisits, productSold, customers);
Console.WriteLine(shopObj.getShopName() + ":");
Console.WriteLine("Shop Visits: " + shopObj.getShopVisits() + "+");
Console.WriteLine("Products Sold:" + shopObj.getProductsSold() + "+");
Console.WriteLine("Customers: " + shopobj.getCustomers() + "+");
Welcome Scripters,
To Captain_Script's Hub
What is the problem with this code?
Debug.log("Welcome to Captain_Script's Hub");
A. The period is suppose to be a colon
B. Its suppose to be Console instead of Debug
C. The semicolon is suppose to be a colon
D. The l in log is suppose to be capitalized
Answer Not Valid
Answer was Correct!
Hmm..... I'm having a bit of trouble right now. Do you know the answer?
Question of the Day
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